Školení, kurzy, semináře # vmware vsphere – install configure manage [v8] (edu vsicm8)
KURZ: VMware vSphere – Install, Configure, Manage [V8] (EDU-VSICM8)
Předpokládané znalosti Zkušenosti se správou operačních systémů Microsoft Windows nebo Linux. Zaměření kurzu Kurz je vhodný pro systémové integrátory a inženýry. Po celou dobu kurzu je pro vás připraveno bohaté občerstvení a kvalitní káva.
Program kurzu
Předpokládané znalosti
Zkušenosti se správou operačních systémů Microsoft Windows nebo Linux.
Zaměření kurzu
Kurz je vhodný pro systémové integrátory a inženýry.
Po celou dobu kurzu je pro vás připraveno bohaté občerstvení a kvalitní káva.
Studijní materiály
- Originální literatura VMware v anglickém jazyce v ceně kurzu .
1. Course Introduction - Introductions and course logistics.
- Course objectives.
- Describe the content of the course.
- Gain a complete picture of the VMware certification system.
- Familiarize yourself with the benefits of the VMware Education Learning Zone.
- Identify additional resources.
2. Introduction to vSphere and the Software-Defined Data Center - Describe how vSphere fits into the software-defined data center and the cloud infrastructure.
- Explain how vSphere interacts with CPUs, memory, networks, and storage.
- Use vSphere Client to access and manage your vCenter Server system and ESXi host.
- Compare virtual machine hardware version 14 to other versions.
- Identify the virtual network adapters, and describe the enhanced VMXNET3.
- Identify the advantages of ESXi Quick Boot.
- Compare the types of virtual disk provisioning.
3. Creating Virtual Machines - Create, provision, and remove a virtual machine.
- Explain the importance of VMware Tools™.
- Describe how to import a virtual appliance OVF template.
- Manage VMware Tools.
- Explain troubleshooting OS installation and VMware Tools.
4. vCenter Server - Describe the vCenter Server architecture.
- Discuss how ESXi hosts communicate with vCenter Server.
- Identify the vCenter Server services, components, and modules.
- Access and configure vCenter Server Appliance.
- Use vSphere Client to manage the vCenter Server inventory.
- Describe the rules for applying permissions.
- Create a custom role in vCenter Server.
- Create a backup schedule.
- Restore vCenter Server Appliance from backup.
- Monitor vCenter Server Appliance.
5. Configuring and Managing Virtual Networks - Describe, create, and manage standard switches.
- Configure virtual switch security and load-balancing policies.
- Compare vSphere distributed switches and standard switches.
- Describe the virtual switch connection types.
- Describe the new TCP/IP stack architecture.
- Use VLANs with standard switches.
6. Configuring and Managing Virtual Storage - Identify storage protocols and storage device types.
- Discuss ESXi hosts using iSCSI, NFS, and Fibre Channel storage.
- Create and manage VMware vSphere® VMFS and NFS datastores.
- Describe the new features of VMFS 6.5.
- Identify the advantages of VMware vSAN™.
- Describe guest file encryption.
7. Virtual Machine Management - Use templates and cloning to deploy new virtual machines.
- Modify and manage virtual machines.
- Clone a virtual machine.
- Upgrade virtual machine hardware to version 14.
- Remove virtual machines from the vCenter Server inventory and datastore.
- Use customization specification files to customize a new virtual machine.
- Perform vSphere vMotion and vSphere Storage vMotion migrations.
- Create and manage virtual machine snapshots.
- Create, clone, and export vApps.
- Identify the types of content libraries and how to deploy and use them.
8. Resource Management and Monitoring - Discuss CPU and memory concepts in a virtualized environment.
- Describe what overcommitment of a resource means.
- Identify additional technologies that improve memory usage.
- Configure and manage resource pools.
- Describe methods for optimizing CPU and memory usage.
- Use various tools to monitor resource usage.
- Create and use alarms to report certain conditions or events.
9. vSphere HA, vSphere Fault Tolerance, and Protecting Data - Explain the vSphere HA architecture.
- Configure and manage a vSphere HA cluster.
- Use vSphere HA advanced parameters.
- Enforce infrastructural or intra-app dependencies during failover.
- Describe vSphere HA heartbeat networks and datastore heartbeats.
- Examine the features and functions of vSphere Fault Tolerance.
- Enable vSphere Fault Tolerance on virtual machines.
- Support vSphere Fault Tolerance interoperability with vSAN.
- Examine enhanced consolidation of vSphere Fault Tolerance virtual machines.
- Examine the features and functions of vSphere Replication.
10. vSphere DRS - Describe the functions of a vSphere DRS cluster.
- Create a vSphere DRS cluster.
- View information about a vSphere DRS cluster.
- Configure virtual machine affinity, DRS groups, and VM-host affinity rules.
- Remove a host from a vSphere DRS cluster.
11. vSphere Update Manager - Describe the new architecture, components, and capabilities of vSphere Update Manager.
- Use vSphere Update Manager to manage the patching of ESXi, virtual machines, and vApps.
- Install vSphere Update Manager and the vSphere Update Manager plug-in.
- Create patch baselines.
- Use host profiles to manage host configuration compliance.
- Examine the features and functions of vSphere Update Manager EAM integration.
- Integrate vSphere Update Manager with vSphere DRS.
- Scan and remediate hosts.
12. vSphere Troubleshooting - Define the scope of troubleshooting.
- Use a structured approach to solve configuration and operational problems.
- Identify troubleshooting methodology to logically diagnose faults and improve troubleshooting efficiency.
Podrobnosti o kurzu
NICOM, a.s.
Při platbě kurzovného převodem Vám zašleme zálohovou fakturu – výzvu k zaplacení, která musí být uhrazena před zahájením kurzu . Platbu lze provést také v hotovosti nejpozději týden před termínem zahájení kurzu . Po zaplacení kurzovného Vám týden před zahájením kurzu pošleme pozvánku s uvedeným termínem a časem konání. Po úhradě bude posluchač do studia-na přednášku přijat. Objednavatel se zavazuje, že v případě, že by uvedený účastník odborného studia studium nedokončil, nebude požadovat vrácení školného.
Dotazy a komentáře ke kurzuPřihláška na kurz
VMware vSphere – Install, Configure, Manage [V8] (EDU-VSICM8)
Přihláška na kurz: 31.3.2025 Praha
# Změna ceny kurzu:
49.000,00 CZK
* (Cena včetně DPH: 59.290,00 CZK
Délka: 40 výukových hodin , hodina: 9:00–17:00 Zenklova 32/28 Praha CZ - - - -
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